
“This year I have been focused on branding and marketing from a wedding videography perspective Amity and Ted fit the look to perfection!” I remember receiving Amity’s Weddingwire inquiry in late January. I did like all business owners do when they have an inquiry, I Facebooked them to see a photo. Amity and Ted were […]

Happily Evans After 16 | Wedding Videography

July 27, 2016

“This year I have been focused on branding and marketing from a wedding videography perspective Amity and Ted fit the look to perfection!” I remember receiving Amity’s Weddingwire inquiry in late January. I did like all business owners do when they have an inquiry, I Facebooked them to see a photo. Amity and Ted were […]

Happily Evans After 16 | Wedding Videography

July 27, 2016