Matt + Laura=Check on the Bucket List!In the wedding industry, every wedding professional has a bucket list of locations he or she wants to have on their reel. Mine was a wedding on a plantation or ranch.Matt and Laura Stigall made that possible. I met Laura through Dustin Lewis of Dustin Lewis Images last September.She wanted to have her wedding captured and was looking for the right person for the job. Luckily Dustin was able to answer that question for her. We set up a phone consultation and I knew soon as I heard her laugh, we were the right fit for one another. The wedding took place in Eden, North Carolina at the Willow Oaks Plantation. No offense to Eden, but it doesn’t get anymore more rural than that place. LOL. The drive wasn’t pleasant going to Eden was well, especially at night. The roads, the hills, you don’t want to know how I felt going up there.
The forecast for the whole week called for rain. The weather did not disappoint. It rained from the time we woke up until we left. In any other situation, this equaled a disaster. Nothing was going as planned. It never does when it is a wedding that has always been on your wedding cinematography bucket list. BUT, the rained held off for two hours to allow us time to go out on the plantation at shoot some really good shots. Was it sticky and buggy? Yes! Was it hot? YES! Was it worth it? Well you tell me! Enjoy!Visit Intellect Media for more blogs!